Solar Long Range Wireless CCTV

Have you got a building, shed, house or asset that needs monitoring in a remote area? We can help set up a system that works in the most remote areas, or places without infrastructure.

Systems That Reach Everywhere

Through the use of 4G, point to point links, and solar power, we can help you monitor anything from virtually anywhere.
4G Systems
4G systems use satellite technology to connect to a receiver, just like your phone. Wherever there is reception, these systems can transmit security recordings and alerts.
Point to Point Link
Point to point links are useful when there is not reliable satellite reception. Transmitters are set up and wirelessly connect together to reach back to the ‘base’ control where you can access images. From this point, other systems like 4G or hardwired systems can be used so you can still access the security system from your smartphone.
If there is no power accessibility, our cameras can connect to solar systems that charge their batteries through solar UV. So long as there is a reasonable amount of sun exposure, these systems can run anywhere.
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